Monday, June 24, 2013

Festival of Sant Joan

No classes today! Yesterday was the Festival of Sant Joan ("Night of Fire") and today is the "recovery" day in Barcelona so it is a holiday! All day yesterday and all through the night, the city was lit up by fireworks and bon fires to celebrate. We had been told by many people that the main party area, the beach, is extremely dangerous. Due to the amount of alcohol being consumed and everyone setting off fireworks within feet of one another, we decided to view the festivities from another location: a rooftop terrace on La Rambla. Before getting to the hotel, we saw some street performers. It was impressive!
 We ended up going to a hotel terrace called La Isabela and it was absolutely beautiful. From our couches and lounges, we were able to enjoy tapas and drinks while watching the fireworks go off all over the city. Every few seconds, we would see fireworks from a different place so it was a great experience!

 We also got to experience the crazy bon fires happening at almost every intersection throughout the city! Music was blaring, people were dancing a drinking, and the fires were getting bigger and bigger! It was quite an experience. 

Today, since it was a holiday and majority of the city was shut down, I decided to grab some lunch and walk to a park a few blocks away. It was so relaxing to read on a bench and enjoy being outside. After reading a bit, I walked around the park and found an area covered with purple flowers growing all over the walls and lamp posts. I can't wait to come back here and read some more! 

Then, I kept walking through the park and found a little cafe with drinks, sandwiches, and tapas. I ordered myself an Estrella and kept on reading, soaking up the sunshine! 

Next post: my "Top 10" update!


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